morning sume....holaaa....
dah lama sgt, aku peram entri pasal halloween arini, ade mood nk update blog...dah msk bln nov dah ek...hmmm...tanpa kite sedari, it moving towards the end of year...kena plan utk cuti2 mesia niii....hihihi...sape nk join???
k, back to my story...department tempat aku bekerja ni, agak pelik sket...bukan pelik, tp dorg nk kitorg dtg keja ngan hati yg gembira..that's why, dorg wat cam2 aktiviti yg interesting n fun...sume2 aktiviti ni adalah utk menyemarakkan lagi our value - Great Place To Work..(GPTW), our office is a place not only for work but it more towards getting much n much fun during work...barula kite tak boshan kannn....
so, let us enjoy the photos je laa....sure korang tak boshannn...
b4 bergambo ngan team lain harusla layan team sendiri dulu...waktu ni, big bos tgk kasi talk kt depan...sume org wat donno je....:)
terasa team sendiri sgt comel ngan baju bertemakan kaler kuning...ramai yg kata team DIGI man...."ku bersamamuuu"
tgh concentrate ngan talk, ade gak yg tdo di blk topeng itam tuuu..
make bermulalah, sesi bergambar kan dorang niii...
our small team...ade 3 orgyg tak dtg sbb nk skip bnda alah niii....bos pun tak join..tak sporting lgsg...
team ni bagus sgt...bos dorg sgt2 sporting...siap ade bloody pregnant woman...bile pkkan blk, nape ade darah kt perut pregnant women tuuu...hmmmmm
team ni simple je...just pakai face mask tuuu...yg tgh tu, bos dorg...wat ala2 Micheal Jackson..
they become a witch in one day..siap bawak penyapu lagi..vrooommm...vroommmm
hehehe~ade2 je.. =)
TITINNN... EHEHE.. cute seh ENTRY kamo... team KAMO paling paling paling CHUMEIIIIII.. sbb ada kamo.. ahahha.. serius saya suka team kamo cute2... ehehhe.. BLODDY PREGGY.. ahaha darah kat peyut dia sbb anak kuar kot... ahahaa.. wow ada team MISI wahh.. style habish.. besh ar OPICE u titin.. i loike.. tak boring.. u pown ada cube erk tempat kerja u.. wahh besh baru private.. ehehhe.. BTW kemarin wina p amik aunt wina kat kilang JABIL.. then lalu depan tempat kerja u.. euehehheh.. teringat u.. BUBYE SPONGY TITIN.. cute
comel je team u haha mcm digi 'ku bersamamu' :p.haih kalau keje tmpt i ni bosan kotttttttt
team tin paling comel tau...hihihi...
huhu comey gila..mcm fun ja tgk aktivti mcm 2..;)
hihii SPONGEBOB.....comeinyaaaa
baguslah GPTW ni. best gilaaaaaaaaaa :D
thanks sume....spongebob mmg comellll...dekt dihati.. :)
halloween is just like a valentine, org islam xleh celebrate rs nya..myb u hv no choice since ramai chinese in ur workplace, just to let u know..sori kalau silap
to deqda --> maybe, u are right..but, this is just for fun only...we just take photo...takde de punn mkn2 or minum2...
yeah..i just join them becos nk memeriahkan suasana je...n then, i'm da only malay...
but, actually, , i believe it depend on our niat...if niat kite nk memuja syaitan2 or bnda2 khurafat mmg tak bolelaa....dilarang sama sekali...n my niat is only for fun n taking pic...not more than that...maybe, can ask ustaz or ulama to talk abt this...
wahh bez gile opis cmni..hepi je..ade keje kosong lagi x?jaga pn xpe la..jnji leh hepi2 cmni..ilang pressure..hehe
group2 lain sume gns2 je costume..korg cute2 je ek..heh
seyes bez cmpany cmni..bile la company sy ni nak wat cmni ek...
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