morning peeps...
again, this is another story of my beautiful n precious engagement day..dont be bored ya... :) i admit that my lovely happening friends complete my stunning 10.10.10...they make my day such a wonderful it soooo much (beribu2 kali)...
million of thanks for all of you that come that Kate, come all the way from KL...really appreciate my darling bloggers - Shu...dtg paling awl, Wina- sanggup datang walaupun ade hal dan Nida - dtg membawa satu kejutan...and not to forget, my officemate - Ain, Liza, Niza and Ayien - datang ngan membawa seribu senyuman...ohhh....i will not forget all of you forever n ever...hope our friendship will last forever....last but not least, Lyd, my bff since i graduated, come n slept over at my house, help me doing my simple n small dais n most importantly, help me on my make it soo u forever n ever...muuuaahhhh...
so, here are some of their photos....enjoy it...
with Kate all the way from KL....being friend since UIA.
with Wina - XOXO....pipi kite sama lebar kannn...
congrates titin! ayu sungguh~~
uwaaaaaa wina suka ar baca perjalanan engagement day kamo dear.. cant wait my time.. nk wat journal cam nie nanti.. serius i tak bored baca.. nanti plz plz tell more ok.. perjalanan sebelom n semasa n apa perubahan 180 degres sesudah jadi tunang org.. ingat tau.. wina nak tau utk panduan wina.. ahaha ... uwaaaaaa PIPI saya lagi LEBAR dari KAMO cyg... temok toi saya.. ahahha.. uwaaaaa ya la saya balik awai ar sis.. tak suker tak suker.. pic wina tak der masa last.. tak per2.. im still here for u.. ingat tau tin buat journal jgn stop.. i wanna read.. wah panjang ku beleter.. ok nice pic.. i love all of it.. n ur friends all mmg baik n ramah.. tak sombong.. suka wina..
seronok kan kalau majlis kite ade ramai kengkawan datang... :D
Chanteq baju awak dik.....gbr pon chanteq2. sker tgk!
wow...sume hot-hot blaka yg hadir time maJleh titin..hihihi..LEGA selesai suda maJlis kamu......
terima kasih pada semua yang hadir dan menceriakan majlis... shu, wina, nids, kate, lyd a.k.a MUA, ain, niza, liza, ayien..;-)
eh dah tunang..cmna bleh tataw nie..-_-"
slamt b'tunang sis! congrats ok...hepy 4 u..moga cpt ikt jejak fyza ek..;)
thanks sume.. :) love uols so mucchhh :)
Wina --> nnti, tin update lg ye...step by step..story by story...nk simpan sume2 ni utk kenangan pada masa hadapan.. :)
u sgt lawa that day syg.congratz :)
cha --> thanks a lot, laling... :)
titin..tahniah doakan hubgn tin ngn dia kekal smpi bile2..xjemput pn ek...smpai ati..wini ngn shu pn xinform..klu imform leh sy jd photographer free..heh siap sticky album sekali free..yela..pipi wina ngn tin same lebar jap..lagi besar pape pn..korg mmg comel..
beznye dah btunang..jeles lak tgk..hehe bile la dpt rase moment cmni ek..heheh doa2kan la ek...klu ade kwn2 ank jati penang yg single bgtau la ek..heh
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