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Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Ikhlas has been interpreted as being upright, sincere, and pure; being distant from show and ostentation in one’s intention and conduct; and being closed to whatever clouds or fouls the heart. Purity of intention, straightforwardness in thought, pursuit of no worldly purposes in one’s relationship with God, and loyalty in servanthood to God are also included here.

Ikhlas requires that one pursue nothing worldly while worshipping and obeying God, that one fulfills the duty of servanthood only because God orders it, and that one remains silent concerning any personal experiences of God’s special treatment and special gifts and seek only His approval and pleasure.

Sincerity is one of the most significant qualities of those most faithful or loyal to God; loyalty is regarded as a source, and sincerity as a sweet water originating from it. The most eloquent of humanity, upon him be peace and blessings, declared that one who drinks uninterruptedly from this water for forty days will find channels of wisdom opened from his or her heart to his or her tongue, and that such a person will always speak wisdom.

Loyalty or faithfulness is the primary attribute of Prophet-hood, and sincerity is its most lustrous dimension. Sincerity is innate in the Prophets; all other people try to obtain it during their lifetime. Among them, for example, the Qur’an describes the Prophet Moses as one made sincere (19:51).

Faithfulness and sincerity were as intrinsic and essential to the Prophets as air and water are to the lives of those who communicate the Prophets’ message to others in every age. In addition, they were the Prophets’ most important sources of power. The Prophets were convinced that they could not take one step forward without sincerity, and the representatives of the cause of Prophethood must believe that they will be able to achieve nothing without it. Faithfulness and sincerity are two wings or two deep oceans extending from Divine Favor and Grace to an individual’s heart. One who can sail in these oceans or fly with these wings will reach the destination, for they are under God’s protection. God values that which is done to please Him, regard-less of its apparent size or importance, not the quantity of deeds. Therefore, He values a small deed done with sincerity over many deeds done without sincerity.

Sincerity is an attitude of the heart, and God views an individual according to his or her heart’s inclination. The Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, declares: Assuredly, God does not consider your bodies, nor your appearances. Rather, He considers your hearts. Sincerity is a mysterious Divine credit granted to those who are pure-hearted in order to increase what is little and to deepen what is shallow, and to give finite (limited) worship infinite reward. One can use it to purchase the most valuable things in the markets of this world and the next, for it is esteemed, welcomed, and respected where others suffer great misery. This mysterious power of sincerity caused God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, to declare: Be sincere in your religion; little work (with sincerity) is enough for you, and: Be sincere in your deeds, for God only accepts what is done with sincerity.

If we consider a deed to be a body, sincerity is its soul. If a deed represents one wing of pair of wings, sincerity is the other. A body without soul is of no worth, and nothing can fly with only one wing. How fine are Mawlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi’s words:
You should be sincere in all your deeds,
So that the Majestic Lord may accept them.
Sincerity is the wing of the bird of the acts of obedience.
Without a wing, how can you fly to the abode of prosperity?
The following words of Bayazid al-Bistami are also very apt:
I worshipped my Lord for thirty years with all my strength. Then I heard a voice saying: O Bayazid! The treasures of God Almighty are full of acts of worship. If you intend to reach Him, see yourself as small at the door of God and be sincere in your deeds.

For some, sincerity involves hiding from others when per-forming supererogatory deeds and avoiding all show and ostentation. For others, it means that whether one is or is not seen while performing religious deeds is not important. Still for others, it means being so involved in worship or religious deeds in consideration of God’s pleasure that one does not even remember whether one should be sincere or not.

Self-supervision is an essential dimension of sincerity, and a truly sincere person does not consider any possible spiritual pleasure that may be derived, or speculate upon whether it will ensure entrance to Paradise. Sincerity is a mystery between God and a servant, and God puts it in the hearts of those He loves. One whose heart is awakened to sincerity does not worry about being praised or accused, exalted or debased, aware or unaware of deeds, or being rewarded. Such a person does not change, and behaves in the same way in public and in private.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Berlalunye musim LURUH...

aaahhhh...begitu pantas masa berlalu...
tanpa ku sedari dah 6bulan aku berada di bumi asing ini...
dan, lagi 6bulan, aku akan pulang ke tanah air tercinta ku....

begitu pantas masa berlalu..
tanpa kusedari, musim Luruh sudah berakhir...
tiada lg daun2 kuning berguguran...
yang tggl cuma dahan2 botak tanpa daun.....

cpt kan masa berlalu....
kita hampir tiba ke penghujung tahun 2011...
Alhamdulilah, tiada dugaan yg berat sepanjang tahun niii....
semoga tahun depan lancar selancarnye seperti tahun ini... :)

pokok botak

sunset seawal 4.30ptg

home sweet home

celebrate new year di Las Vegas cam menarik jugak kannn :)

Thursday, December 08, 2011

LIFE is WONDERFUL if we know how to appreciate it :)

Life is indeed difficult, partly because of the real difficulties we must overcome in order to survive, and partly because of our own innate desire to always do better, to overcome new challenges, to self-actualize. Happiness is experienced largely in striving towards a goal, not in having attained things, because our nature is always to want to go on to the next endeavor. by Albert Ellis, Michael Abrams, Lidia Dengelegi

Enjoying one of the wonderful scenery in my life. :)

Life is full of surprises and and serendipity. Being open to unexpected turns in the road is an important part of success. If you try to plan every step, you may miss those wonderful twists and turns. Just find your next adventure-do it well, enjoy it-and then, not now, think about what comes next.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. by Steve Jobs 

Thursday, December 01, 2011

hukum pokok krismas

Pohon/pokok Krismas ( Christmas Tree ) itu ialah pokok yang kita namakan sebagai “ Pokok Pain “ ( Pine ) . Manakala orang-orang Arab menggelarnya pokok pain itu sebagai  “ Syajarah As- Sonawbar “نَوْبَر 
Asal-usul pokok pain ini dijadikan sebagai “ pokok Krismas “ yang disucikan oleh orang-orang Kristian adalah merupakan adat kuno masyarakat Jerman. Kisahnya , di zaman dahulu tatkala Jerman diliputi oleh salji yang tebal, masyarakatnya mendapati banyak pokok dan pohon yang mati kecuali pokok pain itu. Masyarakat Jerman Kuno menganggap bahawa matinya kebanyakan pohon / pokok itu adalah disebabkan oleh “ gangguan “ roh-roh jahat “ daripada hantu-syaitan. Lalu , mereka pun membawa balik ataupun menanam pokok / pohon itu di dalam rumah-rumah agar pokok / pohon itu berupaya mengusir “ gangguan-gangguan “ jahat daripada rumah mereka.

Pokok yang meruncing di atasnya itu kemudiannya – di zaman moden – dihiasi pula dengan lampu kelip-kelap , kad-kad ucapan dan sebagainya, demi memeriahkan lagi perayaan Krismas mereka. Di samping itu, di zaman kini juga sudah ada pohon Krismas tiruan .
Selain itu , pokok / pohon tersebut juga ditanam di kawasan luar rumah / sekolah sebagai hiasan dan tidak kurang juga sebagai tanaman pelindung ( pokok pain yang besar ) . Ini dapat kita lihat sendiri , khasnya di kawasan-kawasan sekolah.
“ Pokok Krismas “ itu asalnya ialah Pokok Pain. Bezanya dengan Pokok Pain ialah pokok pain tidak mempunyai sebarang lampu kelip-kelap dan kad-kad ucapan serta tidak pula disucikan untuk beribadah. Manakala pokok Krismas pula ialah pokok pain yang dihiasi dengan lampu kelip-kelap , kad-kad ucapan dan dipercayai pula mempunyai kuasa dan semangat yang dikaitkan dengan kepercayaan ( Aqidah ) masyarakat Kristian .
Oleh itu , jika seseorang itu menanam ataupun menghiasi rumahnya dengan pokok itu ( Pokok Pain ) , sama ada dengan tujuan sebagai pohon hiasan ataupun pohon pelindung ( daripada cuaca yang panas ataupun angin yang kuat ) , maka TIDAKLAH MENGAPA ( tidaklah berdosa ) .
Jika ianya dijadikan sebagai satu ritual ibadah ( Pokok Krismas ) , ataupun dipercayai ianya mempunyai kuasa untuk menghalau hantu dan mambang , maka kepercayaan ini ->TIDAKLAH BERASAL DARI ISLAM , MALAHAN IANYA ADALAH SATU KHURAFAT KAUM KRISTIAN YANG BERASAL DARIPADA JERMAN KUNO !.
Jika ianya sengaja dihiasi oleh umat Islam itu sendiri di dalam rumah-rumah mereka dengan lampu kelip-kelap ataupun dengan kad-kad ucapan, tanpa adanya sebarang niat untuk meniru-niru tatacara ibadah kaum Kristian -> MAKA PERBUATAN ITU TIDAKLAH SEPATUTNYA DILAKUKAN . Bukankah masih banyak cara untuk menghiasi rumah selain daripada meniru-niru cara masyarakat Kristian itu !? . 
Seseorang isteri yang kerap-kali menghiasi rumahnya , khasnya ruang dalaman rumah ( interior ) , tentu akan mendapati bahawa bukannya senang untuk menghiasi rumah dan mengemasnya agar sesuai dengan cita-rasa ahli-ahli rumah itu , khasnya suaminya. Lantaran itu, bukanlah sedikit masa yang diperlukan oleh seseorang itu untuk mencari ide dan melaksanakannya. ( Dan masa untuk itu tentu akan semakin tidak ada bagi wanita-wanita moden yang sibuk berkerja walhal si suami sendiri mampu menanggung kos hidup dengan mewah ! ) . Walaupun begitu, bukankah lebih baik agar tidak kita terikut-ikut dengan gaya masyarakat Kristian di dalam hal mengemas rumah sehingga perlu kita bertaqlid 100% dengan cara mereka dan sampaikan pokok Krismas pun mahu kita jadikan hiasan rumah !? .
Menghiasi rumah memanglah satu tuntutan agar jiwa para penghuninya aman dan tenteram . Dan ianya pula merupakan salah-satu kewajipan si isteri sebagai salah-cara mengekalkan kerukunan rumah-tangga dan menambat hati si suami. Namun , itu bukanlah alasan untuk dibolehkan sebarang hiasan yang ada kaitannya dengan agama-agama selain Islam sbg mana halnya Pokok Krismas itu.
Kalau hendak ditanam juga, tanam sahajalah pokok Pain itu di luar rumah ataupun di dalam rumah. Tapi , jangan pula ianya dihiasi dengan hiasan-hiasan yang biasa digunakan oleh masyarakat Kristian. Kita bimbang, tujuan asal untuk hiasan itu boleh bertukar pula dengan perasaan bermegah-megah dengan tatacara kehidupan Kaum Kristian .
 Umat Islam perlu mengekalkan identiti, jati-diri dan keperibadian mereka. Jangan sampai “ terjajah ‘ lagi !!! . 

*suka tgk dorang decorate umah2 dorang ngan lampu lip lap n pokok suasana hari raya lakk..yela...aritu, tak dpt tgk pelita kt luar umah masa Raya arituu..kali ni, bole tgk lampu lip lap yg cntik nk sambut krismas....*

*suka jugak tgk bnda2 kecik yg gantung2 kt pokok krismas tu...sgt2 comel...dan, ada satu tmpt tu, dorang jual hiasan cam satu town kecik ngan pokok pine, ngan saljinye, ngan comel je....nk wat hiasan kt umah laa..(takde niat lain, tp sebagai hiasan je).. :)

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