congrats to her...finally, their relationship end with married..
not like me, my 8 years relationship end with nothing..but it's ok..i already redha n pasrah with the fate...
now, would like to tell story on Wanee's wedding..not so much want to tell all of u..
bcos i'm very bz with the bride...because i'm the bride-maid...
just want to share few photos here....
ta daaaaaaaa.....
blk pngantin also sgt2 sweet in purple...
like the pelamin sooo muchh:
hantaran in purple black:
a night before kenduri..kenduri tahlil..
hasil kreativiti manja n amy:
famili cik yah from KL:
pg2 bgn awl n pegi makeup...
at SImpang Empat Mosque
wanee in purple n black:
finally, these photos represent my frens...ank2 dara yg singlen "hot"
that's all for now..
happynya... ske tgk... :)
the bride-maid is gorgeous... sweet sangat... cantik.. ;)
Alhamdulillah... now they're so happy with their first son... Rayyan...
May their happiness will be eternally ever after...
n so as we, ayg... ;)
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